
Formerly known as Groomer Training Center.


WE'VE CHANGED OUR NAME! 🐾 Formerly known as Groomer Training Center. 🐾

Professional Development | Class #1

Brusher Bather

Brusher/Bather skills can make or break the finished results of a quality groom! The quality of coat preparation is of the utmost importance due to its direct effect on the finished results of each groom! A well skilled, properly educated, Professional Brusher/Bather should be invaluable to the Professional Pet Stylist. If you are interested in advancing your knowledge to be seen as a true valued professional, this class is for you. CE Certificate class.

What You’ll Learn:
sanitary trims, Ear cleaning, nail trimming and grinding, proper use and understanding of tools, products, brushing and drying techniques, safety

5 hour -1 day duration

Scissor Skills

Professional Development | Class #2

Coming Soon!

Pet Parent Education

Brush Your Dog Class

Learn how to make at home grooming time a bonding experience, not a chore. Private and occasional group classes available. Learn what tools are best for your Dogs coat type and how to use them properly. How to train your dog to enjoy being brushed.

The Professional Pet Stylist does not enjoy clipping your dogs coat down when this is not what you, the owner requested. It sometimes must be done out of necessity. A matted coat could be quite uncomfortable and even sometimes painful for your dog! When your dogs coat is properly maintained at home it makes for a much more pleasurable Professional Grooming experience for your beloved pet and gives you, the owner, many more options of how the coat can be styled.

*Private Class: $40
Duration: 30 minutes